Tuesday, October 28, 2008

UNICEF Tips for Winter Weather

Greetings from Potsdam, NY!

Many of us in the North East have been hit with some interesting patterns of winter weather storms today. With Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF quickly approaching I wanted to stop by and give clubs a few alternative ways to collect money for UNICEF if your plans to go door to door are canceled because of snow.

Thanks for taking the time to read and please feel free to e-mail me at president@circlek.org if you are looking for anymore tips or ideas.

10 ways to fundraise for UNICEF with Winter Weather:
  1. Bring your UNICEF box to class and ask for your classmates and professors to donate spare change.
  2. Walk around your Student Union or Dining Court to ask for donations.
  3. Get permission from your Residence Life staff to Trick-or-Treat in the Residence Halls.
  4. Plan a dance with your college radio station and ask for donations to UNICEF at the door.
  5. Work with Haunted House coordinators in your area to set up tables inside at the end of their Haunted Houses to ask for donations.
  6. Coordinate a table at your local grocery store to ask for donations.
  7. Sell bundles of Hershey Kisses in your student union to be delivered to students on Halloween.
  8. Contact local Elementary Schools and ask them if you can write an article for their school bulletin to ask for donations and explain what UNICEF is.
  9. Write a letter to other organizations on campus to ask them to collect happy change for you.
  10. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF in the snow but sing holiday carols (Let it Snow, Walking in a Winter Wonderland, etc...) for donations. Remember to bundle up!

Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,


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