Well, I am home from Chicago and I am proud to say your International Board had a very successful work weekend and made the most out of our time together. In addition, hats off to the Illinois-Eastern Iowa District for putting on a phenomenal fundraiser for Spastic Paralysis.
I wish I was writing you with greetings from Indianapolis right now however due to bad weather storms and Lake Effect snow in New York myself and Key Club International Trustee Jessica Morris had no choice but to be stuck here on the ground and unable to fly in this weekend. We both were scheduled to fly out of Syracuse and speak to the Kiwanis International Foundation about our respective organizations so it was a huge bummer when we both had to cancel. With that being said, the CKI Board will be combining our board meeting with the Kiwanis International Board in April so we should spend some much needed K-Family bonding there in the beginning of spring.
On a personal note, I start classes tomorrow (wahoo!) and I've been packing all day to return back to school. I started off my morning by venturing over the border to Brockville, Ontario CANADA and used one of my Hannukah gift cards for a massage at my favorite spa. It was totally needed! I realized that every month I don't use the gift card that they deduct $5 (lame!) so I redeemed it for a nice stress reliever. The rest of my afternoon will probably be spent packing, making chili with my dad, shopping for school, and then watching the Steeler's game (let's go Pittsburgh!) After my final Sunday afternoon at home I will eventually venture back to Potsdam to start off the Spring 2009 semester with a monday morning class on Human Communication.
Thanks for reading my blog and as soon as I get some free time myself and VP Ricardo will be working on a synopsis highlight of all the occurrences that happened at our board meeting in Chicago. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail your International Representative, VP Ricardo, or myself.
Keep up the great work & keep warm! Talk to you soon CKI!
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,

(CKI Board at Holiday Embrace)
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