My buddy Jesse and I dancing!
Hey there CKI!
So now that final exams are FINALLY over I can sit down and write you a thorough update on what's shaken in the life of your IP.
- Fell in love - Absolutely! So since the last time I wrote I have completely fallen in love (again) with the Special Olympics organization. If your club hasn't had the opportunity to work with them in the past you should definitely check out their web-site for more information on how to get involved. They are some of the sweetest and most caring individuals I've ever had the pleasure to meet and the events at the Special Olympics are a blast! You can do everything from face painting, scoring the games, or assisting the athletes. To look at some pictures from my Special Olympics event go ahead and up to the top!
- Read a Book or 2 - Since finals have been over I have been able to lay in my backyard and catch up on some reading. I finished Secret Diary of a Call Girl which has now been made into a ShowTime TV show, kinda cool. I really recommend it as a good summer read in case anyone is looking for one. Also, yesterday I was laying on a blanket in my yard trying to read The Curious Case of Benjamin Button since I've seen the movie but I always think books are better. Well, I had to take a quick phone call on my cell phone inside (okay I lied it was like a 40 minute phone call..haha) and came back to have the pages ALL OVER my YARD! My puppy Buster had torn apart book! Apparently, I am a mother of a very anti-literacy dog or he was hungry or something because the pages were EVERYWHERE! I'll have to go to the Book Store this weekend and get a new copy since my fiesty little puppy went crazy on me.
- Service! Yes, I am so excited. This upcoming Saturday I organized a city-wide clean up for my hometown of Ogdensburg, N.Y. My co-chair Nick Vaugh, he's a City Councilor *oh la la!* has been absolutley fantastic and we have contacted everyone and their neighbor to come out and pitch in. It looks like the weather is going to hold up for us which is pretty sweet. Also, on Saturday I am chaperoning a Key Club Dodgeball Tournament and then working a Key Club Talent Show on June 3rd. So, essentially a Kiwanis Family summer. I love it!
- Blogging - So, besides blogging on here I also write on Blogging for Babies. I was appointed last month to be a Collegiate Council Ambassador for the March of Dimes. Pretty sweet, right? In a nut shell, because I love babies I get to help out people who love babies to by encouraging campuses to get involved with the March of Dimes. I love it! So, if you get a moment check out my March of Dimes blog. Every comment is a chance to win a purple Dell wireless Computer Mouse. Wahoo go free stuff!
- CKI - Saved the best for last! Muahha! In addition to serving as your International President for the year I'm really proud to be the International liaison to the LSSP Committee. They have been super hard at work at figuring out logistics, meals, amazing service projects, fellowship day, t-shirt colors, and much more. They are one hard bunch of workers and Chair Lukas and Vice Chair Heather are fantastic as well. Also, an update will be going out shortly about the results of the April Board Meeting. The minutes are being approved (it took a little bit longer then expected because iBoard members have final exams to study for too!) but none-the-less you'll be getting a full update in your inbox pretty soon. And we can't wait to tell you about all the rockin' stuff we did!
Love of Service, Sun, and Summer,
p.s. Click Here for 6 ways to do Service in the Sun by. NY District LtG Kari Martin
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