Are you game?
If so, check out the UNICEF Six Cents Initiative page to form a team, join an existing one, or sign up as an individual participant. All money raised will help provide clean drinking water to children all over the world. The link to sign up: http://www.unicefusa.org/sixcentsonline
CKI’s Six Cents Initiative with UNICEF is designed to help children get the rehydrating salts they need to survive dehydration spells. But that’s not all. With the money raised, UNICEF also is working to provide long-term solutions for the problem, which includes providing clean water resources through the installation of filtration and sanitation systems. Water filters installed in schools and communal areas can benefit entire communities. Ultimately, the goal is to educate individuals on safe water and hygiene practices, and to provide supplies to produce safe water supplies for communities.
The CKI dues paid member that fundraises the most money on Six Cents Online will receive a FREE International Convention Registration for Birmingham, Alabama 2009!
The goal is to raise more than US$32,025 for the Six Cents Initiative by the end of the 2009 CKI convention. Why $32,025? Because that symbolizes every club raising $61 to buy a family in need a water filter.
Thanks for reading and feel free to contact me should you have any questions :)
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,
Photo credit: A young girl gets clean water from a tap installed by UNICEF. (UNICEF/HQ05--155/Kathryn Grusovin)
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