♥ Every Circle K'er who registers = $25 donation to March for Babies! ♥
Farmers will be donating $25.00 to March for Babies for each walker who registers from now until December 31st, 2008.
Don’t wait to register for this exciting event! Do so today at http://www.marchforbabies.org and register by clicking on Join a Team, Start a Team or Find an Event.
Please tell your friends about this fantastic incentive by emailing them a link to this blog post, so they can register early and join you at March for Babies 2009! Celebrate the season by knowing that you and Farmers are helping to give every baby a healthy start.
UPDATE: If you registered for March for Babies prior to this announcement, the $25.00 Farmers donation for your registration will still apply. Please note that Farmers is making these donations to March for Babies in order to encourage participants to register before the end of the year and that the donations will go directly to March for Babies - NOT to the individual walker, chapter or team.
Please register today!
DOWNLOAD RESOURCES: http://slp.kiwanis.org/CircleK/Resources/Service_Partner_March_of_Dimes.aspx
SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=39847915885
Yours in the spirit of healthy babies,
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