Friday, February 27, 2009
Update on Circle K International Organizational Goals
Please see below for an update on the Circle K International Organizational Goals. The Executive Committee will be releasing a CKInsider piece shortly with tips and tricks on how your club and district can help contribute to these goals. If you have any suggestions and want to take part in this educational piece please feel free to e-mail any ideas to me at
Thanks so much for all of your hard work thus far and have a great week!
GOAL #1: Membership
Target: 13,125
Current: 9,414
% Completed: 71.73%
GOAL #2: Hours
Target: 630,000
Current: 248,150
% Completed: 39.39%
GOAL #3: Six Cents Initiative
Target: $32,025
Current: $11,279
% Completed: 35.22%
GOAL #4: Clubs
Target: 525
Current: 361
% Completed: 68.76%
GOAL #5a: Attendance I-Con
Target: 525
Current: tba
% Completed: tba
GOAL #5b: Attendance LSSP
Target: 175
Current: tba
% Completed: tba
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Large Scale Service Project Committee has been working super hard to plan a fantastic time for everyone this August. If you would like please take the time to click here for the latest issue of LSSP Points and information about this year's committee. Take care CKI!
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Kiwanis knows how to PIE!
I am back from the 50th Annual Georgia District Convention and I had such an amazing time. If you get the chance you can check out my Facebook page for photos. Also, below I have two videos documenting my ridiculously great time with GACKI. First, Kiwanis International President-Elect Paul Palazzolo pies me in the face for charity (be sure to watch it the whole way through to watch Governor Scotty fall!) and secondly, click here for the Georgia Tech CKI club doing their rendition of Thriller by Michael Jackson.
Have an amazing week CKI, next stop....Nebraska-Iowa DCON!
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,
Monday, February 23, 2009
Spring Break Schedule - Projects Wanted

When I campaigned for President back in Denver last summer one of my big promises was that I wanted to put together a list of Spring Break schedule of projects clubs could attend if they wanted to visit other clubs during Spring Break. Now is the time to start thinking about what your club will be doing during the month of March.
If your club has any service projects planned any weekend in March/April please fill out the form below and e-mail it to by February 28th at 12midnight. I will be compiling the list and posting it right here on my blog so that clubs/club officers can download the sheet and get in contact with your club if they would like to visit and help contribute to the project. The project can be any weekend in March/April (since different colleges have different spring breaks) and also this includes District Events as well so Governors send on your schedules.
Club Name:
Club District:
Club City/State:
Project Title:
Project Description:
Project Date(s):
Project Time(s):
Project Chair Name:
Project Chair E-Mail Address:
Additional Comments:
Thanks for taking the time to check in and I hope to see a lot of International Interclubs happening soon! Have an amazing week CKI!
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,
Call in and chat with March of Dimes TONIGHT!
Reminder – tonight (Feb 23) is the March for Babies ideas & resource call for youth volunteers, advisors and staff to learn more about youth in March for Babies 2009! Time: 9 pm Eastern; Dial 1 800 411 7650 then code 0820#! Don’t worry if you can’t make it – check out our resources at and sign up online at
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,
Friday, February 20, 2009
Club Status, what in the world is that?!
Clubs have recently been asking many questions about what their club status means on the Club Information Listing sent out every other week from Circle K International. In the past there were five club statuses based on dues. Now there are only four statuses, again based on dues:
→ Paid (club minimum dues in on time);
→ Suspended (no minimum by November 30);
→ Retained (paid for at least one member by September 30);
→ Inactive (No payment has been made by September 30).
There are three basic rules to the logic problem of club status and they are:
1. A club can move from “Suspended” to “Retained” with any payment.
2. A club can remain on “Retained” status indefinitely so long as any payment is made
3. A club can reactive its status (move from inactive to active) by paying dues for the minimum, submitting a corresponding roster, and paying a $100 reactivation fee.
All this means is that clubs only need to go through the hassle of “rechartering,” or, in this case, “activatization” if not a single person pays dues to all year long. Even if this were the case for a club, they would only need to pay $100 (along with dues) to get back on track.
E-mail for more information regarding dues or click here to check up on your club's status!
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Atlanta, Here I Come!
Just thought I'd stop by and say "Hello!" real quick before I board my flight tomorrow to go to beautiful Atlanta, Georgia. I'll be attending the 50th Annual Georgia District Convention and I couldn't be more excited. I haven't been to Atlanta since Key Club International Convention 2005 (back when I was NY Key Club Governor, shout out to NYDKC!) so I am very excited to see what the city of peaches, Coca-Cola, and the whole amazing state of Georgia has in store for me.
I'll keep all of you posted and upload some pictures when I get back!
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,
Friday, February 13, 2009
International Board District Convention Visits
Looking to catch up with a member of the International Board? Members of the CKI Board will be traveling this February and March to various District Conventions around CKI. See below for a schedule of which District Conventions each board member will be visiting. For more information and dates click here.
President Kristen:
- Georgia District Convention
- Nebraska-Iowa District Convention
- Michigan District Convention
- New York District Convention
Vice-President Ricardo
- Texas-Oklahoma District Convention
- Minnesota-Dakotas District Convention
- West Virginia District Convention
- Pennsylvania District Convention
- Utah-Idaho District Convention
- Montana District Convention
- Western Canada District Convention
- Pacific-Northwest District Convention
- Southwest District Convention
- Illinois-Eastern Iowa District Convention
- Louisiana-Mississippi-W.Tennessee District Convention
- Nebraska-Iowa District Convention
- Ohio District Convention
- Alabama District Convention
- West Virginia District Convention
- New Jersey District Convention
- New York District Convention
- Eastern Canada (District-in-formation) District Convention
- Eastern Canada and the Caribbean District Convention
- Carolinas District Convention
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
March of Dimes on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
"On Sunday, March 1st, the Emmy® Award-winning ABC-TV program Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, will build a new home for March of Dimes volunteers, the Augustin Family of Keller, Texas. The family was selected because Amber and Peter Augustin’s son, Lane, was born extremely premature in 2004. Hundreds of March of Dimes volunteers
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
International Gavel Returned!
I am writing happily to report to you that the Circle K International gavel has been graciously returned to the CKI office. We have certainly missed it since it came up missing after ICON in Denver but it was mailed a few weeks ago from the sunny state of Florida and is now home sweet home where it belongs in Indianapolis.
A huge shout out and thanks to Mr. Alex Garner for taking the time to mail it back to us so that it can be used for board meetings and such.
The search is over now, thank you to all those who helped look for our friend the gavel, and have a successful week CKI!
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,
Monday, February 9, 2009
Send Flowers, Help March of Dimes!
Looking for a way to support one of the CKI Service Partners this Valentine's season? Take the time to click here to learn how you can send flowers to your sweetheart, receive a great discount, and have some of the proceeds benefit the March of Dimes.
Have a great Monday CKI!
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,
I'm in love with Better World Books!
Well if you are friends with me on Facebook you would know after a few pretty down in the dumpsters status updates that I have been sick this past weekend. Everything from clogged ears, runny nose, dry eyes has hit me and it's been a total bummer.
I started my day off reluctantly going to class because even though I am sick I really do like my Human Communication course material and professor. I then strolled over to my campus market to pick up a few cans of soup and lastly went to my campus mailroom to check my mailbox and surprise there was a box there for me! I received my order from Better World Books today of some last minute books I had to grab for my history of theatre class and some favorites that I have been trying to find time to read.
The best part about my day is that when I opened my box of books there was a bar of chocolate in my order! I was kind of confused at first wondering if it got dropped in there by accident or if someone from the Better World Books warehouse had a crush on me because I order from there so often but after reading a cute postcard it was a sweet Valentine's Day treat from BWB. Seriously, they are one of the most extraordinary companies I have ever worked with and I'm super glad they are a CKI partner. I uploaded a picture above so you can see what the postcard says but I will admit I took a few bites out of my chocolate first. :)
Be on the look out soon for a LIVE chat with Service Ambassador Monica and Better Work Books Partners Specialist Mary on March 1st on Chatzy and plan ahead now to hold a book drive on your campus.
Thank you Better World for making a sick gloomy day a little bit sweeter for me!
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,
Friday, February 6, 2009
Circle K Office Max Discount
Greetings CKI!
OfficeMax is offering all Circle K members the opportunity to take advantage of the negotiated Kiwanis International corporate discount contract pricing for District, club and personal purchases. You can order your personal office supplies on at the Kiwanis negotiated price and have your product delivered the next day to your home address or you can walk into a local OfficeMax store with a Retail Connect Card to receive contract pricing. All the information that you will need to sign up for your Members Benefit Program is listed below. Thank you to Kiwanis for this wonderful opportunity and including Circle K as a part of this exciting offer.
Welcome to the OfficeMax Kiwanis Member's Program!
As a Kiwanis family member, you can take advantage of substantial savings on all your office supply, paper, toner and print needs through OfficeMax for personal use or club use.
IMPORTANT! To place orders on, you will use the generic username and password listed below. Every club member will use this same username and password. To place orders, a credit card is required along with the address you would like the product shipped to. Please do not use the Retail OfficeMax site (, Solutions is not part of the name!) since your negotiated pricing will not be on this retail internet site.
USERNAME: Kmembers (case sensitive)
PASSWORD: omax1 (case sensitive)
More information:
- Kiwanis Quick Reference Sheet
This document provides you key sales and customer service contact information along with some brief information about the OfficeMax program.
- Kiwanis Members Benefit Purchase Program and Retail Connect Card
This document gives you instructions on how to use our internet ordering system and our retail stores across the country to purchases supplies for your personal or club needs. The retail connect card can be presented at our stores at the time you checkout and your Kiwanis negotiated pricing will be reflected. You will get the best price available for each item: Kiwanis contract pricing, promotional pricing or shelf pricing. Printing is also discounted. (Retail Card is on the bottom of page 2. If you take it to the ImPress Printing area of the store, they will laminate it for you.)
- Internet User Guide
This tutorial navigates you through the ordering site,
Thank you for reading this exciting new opportunity for CKI and feel free to forward on to any of your members that could benefit from this information.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Dues Structure Changes
Greetings from CKI:
The Kiwanis International board has approved the finance amendment that was proposed at the House of Delegates this summer in Denver. That amendment allows CKI to move from an individual dues structure to an annual club fee. This amendment has been outlined below. Please note that this new club fee process will not take place until the fall of 2010. Having a year and a half window will allow our International board and districts to determine next steps, and discuss implications of this new process including how to best collect district dues. It will also allow the member service staff here at the office an opportunity to work out the new collection system.
Here is the amendment as passed:
Section 1. International Dues. Each Circle K club shall submit to Circle K International, or its designated fiscal agent, an annual club fee, and membership information for every member, but not including honorary members. All clubs are encouraged to send all fees via traceable means, i.e. certified mail. Clubs must submit payment by check, money order or credit card; cash will not be accepted. A club roster or fees invoice must be submitted at time of payment. Clubs that fail to follow the guidelines for club fee payments will be placed into a special handling group that will delay the processing of fees.
· Each CKI club in a nation with a per capita gross national income of US $10,000 and from a 4 year institution with an enrollment of over 1,000 students shall pay an annual fee of US $600.
· Each CKI club from a nation with a per capita gross national income of US $10,000 and from a 2-4 year institution or a 4 year institution with an enrollment of less than 1,000 students shall pay an annual fee of US $450.
· Each club of a Circle K club in a nation with a per capita gross national income of less than US$ 10,000 shall pay dues of US$300.
All club fees shall be payable during a period of at least sixty (60) days according to a schedule set forth in Circle K International Policies and defined for each nation taking into account academic calendar and financial practices of the nation. There shall be no other fees or assessments of clubs.
Section 2. Each Circle K club that is a member of a Circle K district shall pay Circle K International, or its designated fiscal agent, annual district dues or fees defined within the district’s bylaws and not exceeding the Circle K International club fee, for every member and/or club, but not including honorary members. Dues of fees shall be payable during the same period set forth for payment of the Circle K International club fees and as defined in Section 1 of this Article. There shall be no other district fees or assessments of clubs by Circle K International.
We will be discussing this together over the next several months, so stay tuned for information. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Erin Fischer
Director, Circle K International
New Service Resource
Check out this brand new HOT OFF THE PRESSES Students Team Up to Fight Hunger Resource Guide created by STUFH Ambassador Michael Zebrowski!
Enjoy and comment to let us know what you think.
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Fundraising Opportunity
Looking for a great fundraiser for your club to do but also help change the world at the same time? Look no further! Click here for more exciting details!
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,