Greetings from CKI:
The Kiwanis International board has approved the finance amendment that was proposed at the House of Delegates this summer in Denver. That amendment allows CKI to move from an individual dues structure to an annual club fee. This amendment has been outlined below. Please note that this new club fee process will not take place until the fall of 2010. Having a year and a half window will allow our International board and districts to determine next steps, and discuss implications of this new process including how to best collect district dues. It will also allow the member service staff here at the office an opportunity to work out the new collection system.
Here is the amendment as passed:
Section 1. International Dues. Each Circle K club shall submit to Circle K International, or its designated fiscal agent, an annual club fee, and membership information for every member, but not including honorary members. All clubs are encouraged to send all fees via traceable means, i.e. certified mail. Clubs must submit payment by check, money order or credit card; cash will not be accepted. A club roster or fees invoice must be submitted at time of payment. Clubs that fail to follow the guidelines for club fee payments will be placed into a special handling group that will delay the processing of fees.
· Each CKI club in a nation with a per capita gross national income of US $10,000 and from a 4 year institution with an enrollment of over 1,000 students shall pay an annual fee of US $600.
· Each CKI club from a nation with a per capita gross national income of US $10,000 and from a 2-4 year institution or a 4 year institution with an enrollment of less than 1,000 students shall pay an annual fee of US $450.
· Each club of a Circle K club in a nation with a per capita gross national income of less than US$ 10,000 shall pay dues of US$300.
All club fees shall be payable during a period of at least sixty (60) days according to a schedule set forth in Circle K International Policies and defined for each nation taking into account academic calendar and financial practices of the nation. There shall be no other fees or assessments of clubs.
Section 2. Each Circle K club that is a member of a Circle K district shall pay Circle K International, or its designated fiscal agent, annual district dues or fees defined within the district’s bylaws and not exceeding the Circle K International club fee, for every member and/or club, but not including honorary members. Dues of fees shall be payable during the same period set forth for payment of the Circle K International club fees and as defined in Section 1 of this Article. There shall be no other district fees or assessments of clubs by Circle K International.
We will be discussing this together over the next several months, so stay tuned for information. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Erin Fischer
Director, Circle K International
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