When I campaigned for President back in Denver last summer one of my big promises was that I wanted to put together a list of Spring Break schedule of projects clubs could attend if they wanted to visit other clubs during Spring Break. Now is the time to start thinking about what your club will be doing during the month of March.
If your club has any service projects planned any weekend in March/April please fill out the form below and e-mail it to president@circlek.org by February 28th at 12midnight. I will be compiling the list and posting it right here on my blog so that clubs/club officers can download the sheet and get in contact with your club if they would like to visit and help contribute to the project. The project can be any weekend in March/April (since different colleges have different spring breaks) and also this includes District Events as well so Governors send on your schedules.
Club Name:
Club District:
Club City/State:
Project Title:
Project Description:
Project Date(s):
Project Time(s):
Project Chair Name:
Project Chair E-Mail Address:
Additional Comments:
Thanks for taking the time to check in and I hope to see a lot of International Interclubs happening soon! Have an amazing week CKI!
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,
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