Thursday, June 18, 2009

Volunteering is SEXY

Guest Post: Volunteering is sexy
By Adam

Do you want to be happier, more successful, have more friends, and a loving partner? Now these are the kinds of promises that many self-help gurus make millions out of. In fact if I charged you a lot of money and gave you this promise you'd more than likely pay. However, there is a way to get all of these results, it's SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN (yes really) and it's FREE. What's the answer - you ask? Volunteering I say.

The scientific findings of volunteering and positive psychology show that:

  • Giving (not taking) makes us happier
  • Volunteering can increase life satisfaction and self esteem
  • Volunteering facilitates meeting others, connecting with others and making friends
  • People who volunteer are seen as more attractive to the opposite sex
  • People who volunteer are seen as cooler than those who don't volunteer

There is a wealth of research that demonstrates endless psychological and sociological benefits of volunteering.

Why then don't more people volunteer? To the ill informed volunteering is seen as dowdy. It has an image problem. Volunteer groups (with the exception of a few) have done a very poor job of making themselves look sexy - and it is. There is research to back up the claim that people who volunteer are more attractive to the opposite sex than is say having a cool car, or talking about your bulging pay pack. Basically, if you want to be happier, be in a relationship, have better self-esteem.... and so on - volunteer.

The other reason people don't volunteer so much is that it is a hassle. Who do I call? Where do I go? How can I find a place close to where I live? How can I find something I'm interested in to volunteer? To not make to fine a point about it - most of these barriers are addressed through SEEK Volunteer, a centralised database of all the volunteer jobs available in Australia (and a lovely client of Naked's).

So what needs to happen for more people to volunteer?
  1. Volunteer organisations need to re-brand themselves and strip away their dowdy image - you can make yourselves better.
  2. People need to be aware of the benefits, and believe they are real.

Try it.

Adam Ferrier is a Consumer Psychologist and Managing Partner of Naked Communications. He has degrees in Clinical Psychology and Commerce. Adam worked in Forensic Psychology, brand consultancy (Added Value), and advertising (Saatchi & Saatchi) before founding Naked Australia. Naked is working with some of the world's most progressive brands and ambitious marketers. Naked was Adnews Agency of the Year in 2007. Adam is registered with the NSW Psychologists Board, and a member of the Australian Psychological Society. You can find him online at

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