N-I Circle K'ers are working this year with the 501(c)(3) organization in collecting shoes for those in need. To make the deal even sweeter their goal is to collect 500 pairs of shoes by our 2009 CKI International Convention in Birmingham, Alabama. Why 500? Because it is 929 miles to Birmingham from the Nebraska-Iowa district and 500 pairs of shoes symbolizes one shoe for every mile traveled. Pretty cool, huh? That's not all! Within Nebraska-Iowa they are having a friendly competition to see which club can collect the most shoes. The winning club will receive "The Golden Shoe" at N-I's spring District Convention. I don't know about you guys but I think show casing a golden shoe award in your school's CKI office would be pretty rockin'!
In closing, I am helping the Nebraska-Iowa District get 20 miles closer to Birmingham - won't you lend a "foot" too? Remember when you are cleaning out your closet to go back to college that those shoes you may put in the "bad shoe" pile could make a world of a difference to someone around the world who may not have shoes. If your club is interested in doing a shoe drive the Soles4Souls organization will help you by providing collection bins, brochures, an informational DVD, and banner. For more information regarding Soles4Souls e-mail Nebraska-Iowa District Governor Lukas Rix or check out the Nebraska-Iowa CKI Web-site. Governor Rix can help you with information on where to send your donation and the N-I service initiative goals.
Your extra pair of shoes could be the first pair for someone in need. Don't miss this opportunity to make a world of a difference in someones life.
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,
Nice site, Kristen. Maybe we should link to it from the CKI site! I'll ask around and let you know what everything thinks. We will at least link to it from the profile page once we get your new photos up on there! Great job. It's nice to have a direct line to the members! Kasey
You should rename it Prez Sez ... :)
My sole feels awesome! I like your blog!
Awesome Idea Kristin!
**runs to rummage for shoes in closet**
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