Matthew Schuweiler, Circle K MN-DAK District Governor, mentioned a really cool fundraising concept the other day when I was referencing his Governor's Report Form. Matt mentioned the idea of a "Good News Jar" for clubs to try out at their meetings. When I asked Matt for more details he let me know that "The good news jar is a "jar" that you pass around at the beginning of each meeting. People put change in the jar and talk about good things that happened to them that week, or if the club meets bi-weekly since the last meeting. It can be anything from getting a good grade or going on a "hot date."
Simple fundraiser, Serious impact, eh? =)
Give it a try at your next club meeting and thanks for the awesome idea Matt!
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,
Very similiar to the "Happy/Sad" jar that many clubs in WUM have! It's a great idea, it just takes some time for members to remember to bring change, but once they do, it's always a good fundraiser! Some of our clubs use the money they collect for our different district auctions for the camps we raise money for.
We just tried this for the first time at UT-Austin and it was a really big success! We got to learn more about some of the members and overall people really liked the fundraiser.
You can download a tin can wrapper here:
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