Last night I attended my home Kiwanis Club officer's installation and retirement. I want to take a quick moment to blog and say congratulations to James McFaddin on an awesome year as President of the Norwood Kiwanis Club. Norwood Kiwanis has been sponsoring the Norwood Key Club and Circle K Club for close to 70 years and Jim was an excellent president that did so much for my home CKI club!
If you get the opportunity be sure to take the time out of your day to say "Thank You!" to your home club Kiwanis advisor and Kiwanis club for all that they do to support your club and CKI as an organization. Web-sites such as and are excellent sites to send your club and advisors a free e-card. It takes very little time but I'm sure it would mean so much and make their day! Afterall, Kiwanians do love Circle K'ers!
I hope everyone's week is going great and a HUGE shoutout goes to the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District -- I can't wait to spend time with you guys this weekend!
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,
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