Greetings CKI!
Below you will find the applications for the 2008-2009 CKI International Committees and an educational piece to demonstrate for you new changes. If you have questions regarding the application process, structure or committees - please contact Vice-President Ricardo Torres at or President Kristen Reed at
INTERESTED? Interested members are encouraged to apply for these important committees by submitting an application. To be considered, members must be dues paid and from a club in good standing. Please note deadlines, as they will be strictly enforced.
Applications are due by Monday, September 1, 2008 at 11:59pm EST.
Late applications will not be considered.
Members may apply for more than one committee; however they will only be selected to serve on one. Depending on the quantity of applicants there may be a phone interview process on September 2nd and 3rd. All Committee member appointments will be announced over the business reflector on September 4th, 2008.
For logistical purposes, please clearly note in the subject of your email the name of the committee you are applying for.
READ FIRST: Click Here for the 08-09 Committee Ed Piece
The Membership Development and Benefits Committee shall focus on membership development and education, member benefits, awards, club building, and leadership development. Click Here for Application
The Marketing and Kiwanis Family Relations Committee shall focus on the Kiwanis family and the marketing presence and public relations issues related to Circle K International. Click Here for Application
The Service Committee shall focus on the Service Initiative of Circle K International, the Large Scale Service Project, the Tomorrow Fund, and partnerships with outside service programs.
Click Here for Application
The Large Scale Service Project Ad-Hoc Committee will promote, plan, and execute a successful annual service project close to the date of CKI Convention that gives all members an opportunity to serve together that will provide a significant impact to the community that is served. Click Here for Application
Good Luck to all applicants!
Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,