Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Greetings from snowy New York!

NYCKI District Treasurer Gabby and I decided to build a beautiful CKI Snow Man today to celebrate an awesome snow day and promote our club. I promised yesterday a snowball for all of you but instead I hope you enjoy Mr. CKI Snow Man.

P.S. Gabby and I named him Lukas :o)

Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

UNICEF Tips for Winter Weather

Greetings from Potsdam, NY!

Many of us in the North East have been hit with some interesting patterns of winter weather storms today. With Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF quickly approaching I wanted to stop by and give clubs a few alternative ways to collect money for UNICEF if your plans to go door to door are canceled because of snow.

Thanks for taking the time to read and please feel free to e-mail me at if you are looking for anymore tips or ideas.

10 ways to fundraise for UNICEF with Winter Weather:
  1. Bring your UNICEF box to class and ask for your classmates and professors to donate spare change.
  2. Walk around your Student Union or Dining Court to ask for donations.
  3. Get permission from your Residence Life staff to Trick-or-Treat in the Residence Halls.
  4. Plan a dance with your college radio station and ask for donations to UNICEF at the door.
  5. Work with Haunted House coordinators in your area to set up tables inside at the end of their Haunted Houses to ask for donations.
  6. Coordinate a table at your local grocery store to ask for donations.
  7. Sell bundles of Hershey Kisses in your student union to be delivered to students on Halloween.
  8. Contact local Elementary Schools and ask them if you can write an article for their school bulletin to ask for donations and explain what UNICEF is.
  9. Write a letter to other organizations on campus to ask them to collect happy change for you.
  10. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF in the snow but sing holiday carols (Let it Snow, Walking in a Winter Wonderland, etc...) for donations. Remember to bundle up!

Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,


Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Canada!


I have been resting all day catching up on some sleep and enjoying my day off of classes for the American holiday of Columbus Day. This weekend I ventured to beautiful Wisconsin for the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District's Membership Awareness Conference and I'm happy to say I had a phenomenal time. I will be giving a full blog later in the week about that great CKI experience.

If you get the chance today to speak to any of our friends from the Western Canada District or the Eastern Canada District-in-formation please be sure to wish them a VERY Happy Thanksgiving! Also, I'll be awake for the next few hours catching up on CKI emails and such from when I was gone. Feel free to e-mail me or IM me on AOL Instant Messenger should you need anything!

Keep up the excellent service all!

Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Happy Double Ten Day!

Greetings CKI!

I am currently at my parent's house just starting my fall break but I'll be leaving tomorrow to go to the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District's Fall Membership Awareness Conference, to say I'm excited would be an understatement.

Before I venture off to Wisconsin in the morning I wanted to be sure to wish all of our Taiwanese members a Happy Double Ten Day! For those of you who are not familiar with Double Ten Day it is a celebration of the start of the Wunchang Uprising of October 10th, 1911. This led to the fall of the Qing Dynasty of China and later to the establishment of China as a Republic on January 1st, 1912.

Keep up the excellent fall service, leadership, and fellowship everyone and I'll be sure to write everyone to let you know how my trip this weekend goes. If your lucky you may just get a video, we'll see!

Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,








Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Good News Jar - Try it out at your next club meeting!

Greetings CKI!

Matthew Schuweiler, Circle K MN-DAK District Governor, mentioned a really cool fundraising concept the other day when I was referencing his Governor's Report Form. Matt mentioned the idea of a "Good News Jar" for clubs to try out at their meetings. When I asked Matt for more details he let me know that "The good news jar is a "jar" that you pass around at the beginning of each meeting. People put change in the jar and talk about good things that happened to them that week, or if the club meets bi-weekly since the last meeting. It can be anything from getting a good grade or going on a "hot date."

Simple fundraiser, Serious impact, eh? =)

Give it a try at your next club meeting and thanks for the awesome idea Matt!

Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Have you hugged a Kiwanian lately? I have!

Hi there everyone!

Last night I attended my home Kiwanis Club officer's installation and retirement. I want to take a quick moment to blog and say congratulations to James McFaddin on an awesome year as President of the Norwood Kiwanis Club. Norwood Kiwanis has been sponsoring the Norwood Key Club and Circle K Club for close to 70 years and Jim was an excellent president that did so much for my home CKI club!

If you get the opportunity be sure to take the time out of your day to say "Thank You!" to your home club Kiwanis advisor and Kiwanis club for all that they do to support your club and CKI as an organization. Web-sites such as and are excellent sites to send your club and advisors a free e-card. It takes very little time but I'm sure it would mean so much and make their day! Afterall, Kiwanians do love Circle K'ers!

I hope everyone's week is going great and a HUGE shoutout goes to the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District -- I can't wait to spend time with you guys this weekend!

Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,


Monday, October 6, 2008


Greetings CKI!

I had the awesome opportunity this past weekend to travel with Representative Hotchkiss to the beautiful capital of the country of Canada, Ottawa. While in Ottawa we trained the new District Governor of the Eastern Canada District-in-formation Monica Van Den Hurk. We took a break for lunch and Monica was so gracious enough to show us around their beautiful capital city. See below for my personal photos and highlights of my visit to Eastern Canada as well as a special October message from Monica and I.

Something nifty I learned on my visit is the holiday of Thanksgiving takes place in October for both Canada and America but our celebrations have much different histories and are on different dates. If you get the chance Wikipedia Thanksgiving in Canada and USA for an interesting history lesson on both countries!

If your looking for more information on Eastern Canada CKI click here and for history and highlights of the city of Ottawa visit this Web-site.

Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Voter Registration Deadlines

Hey there CKI!

One of our Circle K International Objects is "To develop aggressive citizenship and the spirit of service for improvement of all human relationships..."

Because of this I think it's very important, regardless of political party affiliation, that members of our organization take the time to develop aggressive citizenship and voting is a way to do that.

I wanted to let all of you know that many of the states in the U.S. voter registration deadlines are quickly approaching and you can find a master list by clicking here. Please forward this blog post on to any and get out there, be proactive, and improve any and all human relationships you can.

Live to Serve -- Love to Serve,
